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- 姓名: 李會泉
- 性別: 男
- 職稱: 研究員
- 職務:
- 學歷:
- 電話:
- 傳真:
- 電子郵件: hqli@ipe.ac.cn
- 所屬部門:
- 通訊地址:
- 李會泉,中國科學院贛江創新研究院博士生導師,中科院過程工程研究所研究員,中國科學院大學崗位教授。現任濕法冶金清潔生產技術國家工程實驗室副主任,國家能源清潔高效煉焦技術重點實驗室(北京)主任,過程工程研究所資源環境研究部主任;擔任國家重點研發計劃“固廢資源化”重點專項總體專家組組長、國家“發展循環經濟工作部際聯席會議專家咨詢委員會”專家組成員、有色學會固廢資源化專業委員會主任委員等學術兼職。獲得國家創新人才推進計劃中青年科技創新領軍人才、中國科學院杰出青年等榮譽稱號。長期從事資源循環利用清潔工藝與綠色過程研究,在 “三稀”金屬清潔提取與高值利用、工業固廢大規模資源化利用、生態工業與循環經濟系統集成等研究方向取得重要進展,目前承擔中科院重點部署項目、國家基金委聯合基金重點項目等多項科研任務。發表高學術論文150余篇,申請國際和國內發明專利100余項,建成多項示范工程。
簡 歷:
- 近五年作為發表SCI收錄論文40余篇,授權技術發明專利40余項,目前承擔國家基金委聯合基金重點項目、面上項目,中科院戰略性先導科技專項A類課題、中科院重點部署項目以及地方政府和國有大型企業項目多項。
近五年代表性文章如下:1.Aolei Gao, Xinjuan Hou*, Zhenhua Sun, Shaopeng Li*, Huiquan Li*, Jianbo Zhang, Lithium-desorption mechanism in LiMn2O4, Li1.33Mn1.67O4,and Li1.6Mn1.6O4 according to precisely controlled acid treatment and density functional theory calculations,Journal of Material Chemistry A, 2019, 7, 20878-20890.2.Ziheng Meng, Chenye Wang, Xingrui Wang, Yan Chen, Huiquan Li*, Simultaneous removal of SO2 and NOx from coal-fired Flue Gas using steel slag slurry, Energy and Fuels, 2018, 32(2), 2028-2036.3.Aolei Gao, Zhenhua Sun, Shaopeng Li*, Xinjuan Hou, Huiquan Li*, The mechanism of manganese dissolution on Li1.6Mn1.6O4 ion sieves with HCl. Dalton Transactions, 2018, 47, 3864–3871.4.Pengpeng Hu, Xinjuan Hou, Jianbo Zhang, Shaopeng Li*, Huiquan Li*, Distribution and occurrence of lithium in high-alumina-coal fly ash, International Journal of Coal Geology, 2018, 189, 27–34.5.Jianbo Zhang, Huiquan Li, Shaopeng Li*, Pengpeng Hu, Wenfen Wu, Qisheng Wu, Xinguo Xi, Mechanism of mechanical-chemical synergistic activation for preparation of mullite ceramics from high-alumina coal fly ash, Ceramics International, 2018, 44,3884-3892.6.Liguo Wang, Muhammad Ammar, Peng He, Yuqian Li, Yan Cao, Fengjiao Li, Xiao Han, Huiquan Li*, The efficient synthesis of diethyl carbonate via coupling reaction from propylene oxide, CO2 and ethanol over binary PVEImBr/MgO catalyst, Catalysis Today, 2017, 281, 360-370.7.Weijun Bao, Hongtao Zhao, Huiquan Li*, Songgeng Li*, Weigang Lin, Process simulation of mineral carbonation of phosphogypsum with ammonia under increased CO2 pressure, Journal of CO2 Utilization, 2017, 17, 125–136.8.Ganyu Zhu, Huiquan Li*, Xingrui Wang, Shaopeng Li, Xinjuan Hou, Wenfen Wu, Qing Tang, Synthesis of Calcium Silicate Hydrate in Highly Alkaline System, Journal of the American Ceramic Society, 2016, 99(8), 2778-2785.9.Fengjiao Li, Huiquan Li*, Liguo Wang, Peng He, Cao Yan, Magnesium oxide nanosheets as effective catalysts for the synthesis of diethyl carbonate from ethyl carbamate and ethanol, Catalysis Science & Technology. 2015,5 (2), 1021-1034.10.Huiquan Li, Junbo Hui, Chenye Wang, Weijun Bao, Zhenhua Sun, Removal of sodium (Na2O) from alumina extracted coal fly ash by a mild hydrothermal process, Hydrometallurgy, 2015, 153, 1-5.
- 1. 科技部創新人才推進計劃“中青年科技創新領軍人才”,2016年